Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - 6:00 PM

Council Chambers – City Hall




Members of Council:

Mayor Gale Katchur

Councillor Birgit Blizzard

Councillor Sheldon Bossert

Councillor Frank Garritsen

Councillor Stew Hennig

Councillor Arjun Randhawa

Councillor Ed Sperling



Kelly Kloss, City Manager

Troy Fleming, General Manager, Infrastructure & Community Services

Brenda Rauckman, General Manager, Corporate & Protective Services

Brenda Molter, Director, Legislative Services

Wendy Kinsella, Director, Corporate Communications

Janel Smith-Duguid, Director, Planning & Development

Mike Erickson, Economic Development Officer

Matthew Siddons, Current Planner

Reade Beaudoin, Digital Media Coordinator

Barb Aitken, Legislative Officer

Sheryl Exley, Recording Secretary




1.   Call to Order



Mayor Katchur called the regular Council Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.



A moment of silence was held in remembrance for MLA Manmeet Bhullar, who was killed in a tragic car accident on Monday, November 23, 2015.



2.   Approval of Minutes of November 10, 2015 Regular Council Meeting.



MOVED BY Councillor Garritsen that the minutes of the November 10, 2015 regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling






3.   Delegations






4.   Presentations



4.1   Shell Canada Update



Mr. Michael Frigge, General Manager, Scotford Upgrader was in attendance to provide an update to members of Council and Administration on Shell’s activities.


Mayor Katchur thanked Mr. Frigge for his presentation.



5.   Unfinished Business






6.   New Business



6.1   Sale of Old Hospital Lands

Presented by:  Mike Erickson, Economic Development Officer



MOVED BY Councillor Garritsen that Council authorize the City of Fort Saskatchewan to place 4.47 acres of City owned land, legally described as Plan 1523644, Block 22, Lot 17 up for sale at the recently appraised value for a minimum period of two weeks. 



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





6.2   Water Bill System External Assessment

Presented by:  Troy Fleming, General Manager, Infrastructure & Community Services



MOVED BY Councillor Sperling that Council authorize the City Manager to engage an independent external consultant to conduct an external assessment of the City of Fort Saskatchewan’s water billing system subject to the following conditions:


1.    The scope of work to include an analysis of the system including data, analytics, equipment, water consumption, software, and processes;

2.    The consultant provide a report back to Council that includes findings, recommendations, and potential process improvements;

3.    The cost not to exceed $105,000.00 funded from the Utilities Infrastructure Reserve.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,                         Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





6.3   Video Surveillance Policy

Presented by:  Brenda Molter, Director, Legislative Services



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that Council adopt Video Surveillance Policy




In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,                         Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





7.   Bylaws



7.1   Bylaw C22-15 - Amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 - Indoor and Outdoor Recreation Facilities in Commercial Districts - 1st reading

Presented by:  Matthew Siddons, Current Planner



MOVED BY Councillor Blizzard that Council give first reading to C22-15 to amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 by making revisions to indoor and outdoor recreation facilities in commercial land use districts. 



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





8.   Notice of Motion



8.1   Council Meeting Agendas



MOVED BY Councillor Randhawa that Council direct Administration to provide Council agendas and corresponding information a minimum of five business days before a meeting, effective immediately.



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that Resolution #233-15 be amended by removing the word “business” from the original motion.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





Resolution #233-15 was brought forward, as amended.


In Favour:        Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling


Against:            Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Birgit Blizzard







Councillor Randhawa gave notice that he will introduce the following motion at the December 8, 2015 regular Council meeting: 


That Council having considered the presentation from Ken French on November 10, 2015 regarding condominium waste removal charges, hereby directs Administration to provide a report outlining the cost, impact, and next steps should Council approve Mr. French’s request to refund a portion of condominium waste removal charges for the period July 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014, and further that this report is to be completed and presented to Council at the January 12, 2016 regular Council meeting.”



9.   Adjournment



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that the regular Council Meeting of November 24, 2015 adjourn at 7:50 p.m.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling














                                                                                                            Director, Legislative Services


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