Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - 6:00 PM

Council Chambers – City Hall




Members of Council:

Mayor Gale Katchur

Councillor Birgit Blizzard

Councillor Sheldon Bossert

Councillor Frank Garritsen

Councillor Stew Hennig

Councillor Arjun Randhawa

Councillor Ed Sperling



Kelly Kloss, City Manager

Troy Fleming, General Manager, Infrastructure & Community Services

Renee Fitzsimmons, Acting General Manager, Corporate & Protective Services

Brenda Molter, Director, Legislative Services

Wendy Kinsella, Director, Communications and Marketing

Matthew Siddons, Current Planner

Reade Beaudoin, Digital Media Coordinator

Sheryl Exley, Recording Secretary




1.   Call to Order



Mayor Katchur called the regular Council Meeting of June 9, 2015 to order at 6:03 p.m.



A moment of silence was held in remembrance for Edmonton Police Services Officer, Constable Daniel Woodall, who was killed in the line of duty.



2.  Approval of Minutes of May 26, 2015 Regular Council Meeting



MOVED BY Councillor Blizzard that the minutes of the May 26, 2015 regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





3.   Delegations







4.   Unfinished Business






5.   Public Hearing



5.1  Bylaw C17-15 - Amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 - Redistrict Lots 2 & 3, Block 4, Plan 122 3267 and Part of Lot 2, Block 8, Plan 032 4059 from IL - Light Industrial District to IM - Medium Industrial District - Fort Industrial Estates

       Applicant/Owner:  Durrance Projects on behalf of Yanda Canada

       Presented by:  Matthew Siddons, Current Planner



Mayor Katchur opened the Public Hearing at 6:09 p.m.


A Public Hearing was held to hear any submissions for or against Bylaw C17-15.  Bylaw C17-15 received first reading at the May 26, 2015 regular Council Meeting.


Mayor Katchur asked if anyone wished to speak in favour or against Bylaw C13-15.


There were no submissions.


Mayor Katchur closed the Public Hearing at 6:13 p.m.



6.   Business Arising from Public Hearing



6.1 Bylaw C17-15 - Amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 - Redistrict Lots 2 & 3, Block 4, Plan 122 3267 and Part of Lot 2, Block 8, Plan 032 4059 from IL - Light Industrial District to IM - Medium Industrial District - Fort Industrial Estates – 2nd & 3rd reading

      Applicant/Owner:  Durrance Projects on behalf of Yanda Canada

      Presented by:  Matthew Siddons, Current Planner



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that Council give second reading to Bylaw C17-15 to amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 by Redistricting Lots 2 & 3, Block 4, Plan 122 3267, and Part of Lot 2, Block 8, Plan 032 4059 from IL - Light Industrial District to IM - Medium Industrial District. 



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that Council give third reading to Bylaw C17-15 to amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 by Redistricting Lots 2 & 3, Block 4, Plan 122 3267, and Part of Lot 2, Block 8, Plan 032 4059 from IL - Light Industrial District to IM - Medium Industrial District. 



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





7.   New Business



7.1  Naming of Southpointe Stage 6 Park to the Ken Hodgins Park

       Presented by:  Matthew Siddons, Current Planner



MOVED BY Councillor Garritsen that City Council approve the naming the Southpointe Stage 6 park (Lot 26MR, Block 13, Plan 1424559) as the Ken Hodgins Park. 



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





7.2  Naming of the James E. Graham (JEG) Mechanics Shop

Presented by:  Troy Fleming, General Manager, Infrastructure & Community Services



MOVE BY Councillor Randhawa that Council approve the naming of the mechanic shop located on the James E. Graham (JEG) Public Works site as the Peter Schmidt Mechanic Shop.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





7.3  Assessment Review Board Members

Presented by:  Brenda Molter, Director, Legislative Services



MOVED BY Councillor Randhawa that Council appoint the following individuals, as members of the Assessment Review Board for a term ending December 31, 2015: 


Bennett, Judy

Chartrand, Darlene

Chauvet, Paul

Dennett, Jack

Graszko, Tina

Hennig, Stew

Knowles, Richard

Normandu, Guy

Ralph, Ray

Ross, Diane



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





8.   Bylaws







9.   Notice of Motion



9.1  Community Standards Bylaw Amendment



MOVED BY Councillor Bossert that Council direct the Administration to bring forward an amendment to the Community Standards Bylaw C16-12 for the inclusion of statutory holidays to Section 1(v)(ii) of the Bylaw.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa, Birgit Blizzard,

                        Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling


Against:            Frank Garritsen





Councillor Blizzard gave notice that she will introduce the following motion at the June 23, 2015 regular Council Meeting:  “That the City of Fort Saskatchewan contribute $40,000.00 to be funded from the Parks Reserve to the Andy Polanski Charitable Foundation for the construction of Andy’s Playground at the Dow Centennial Fields.”



Councillor Randhawa gave notice that he will introduce the following motion at the June 23, 2015 regular Council Meeting:  “That Council direct Administration to bring back a report on the City of Fort Saskatchewan’s notification procedures as they relate to the redistricting process and suggest any potential improvements, if possible, to enhance transparency for the general public.”



10.   Adjournment



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that the regular Council Meeting of June 9, 2015 adjourn at 6:45 p.m.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling














                                                                                                            Director, Legislative Services


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