Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - 6:15 PM

Council Chambers – City Hall




Members of Council:

Mayor Gale Katchur

Councillor Birgit Blizzard

Councillor Sheldon Bossert

Councillor Frank Garritsen

Councillor Stew Hennig

Councillor Arjun Randhawa

Councillor Ed Sperling



Kelly Kloss, City Manager

Troy Fleming, General Manager, Infrastructure & Community Services

Brenda Rauckman, General Manager, Corporate & Protective Services

Brenda Molter, Director, Legislative Services

Wendy Kinsella, Director, Corporate Communications

Ian Gray, Director, Infrastructure Management

Reade Beaudoin, Digital Media Coordinator

Sheryl Exley, Recording Secretary




1.   Call to Order



Mayor Katchur called the regular Council Meeting of October 27, 2015 to order at 6:15 p.m.



2.   Approval of Minutes of October 13, 2015 Regular Council Meeting



MOVED BY Councillor Blizzard that the minutes of the October 13, 2015 regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





3.   Delegations



3.1   City Utility Bills



Ms. Trina Scott, representing the citizens of Fort Saskatchewan, was in attendance to express concern on the high City of Fort Saskatchewan water bills and to request the following of Council:



1.    To initiate an investigation into water account anomalies;

2.    To begin monthly water billings; and

3.    To halt water disconnections until the matter is dealt with.


Mayor Katchur thanked Ms. Scott for her presentation.



Councillor Bossert vacated the Council Chambers at 6:28 p.m.


Councillor Bossert re-entered the Council Chambers at 6:29 p.m.



4.   Presentations



4.1   Fort Air Partnership Update



Ms. Nadine Blaney, Executive Director, Fort Air Partnership (FAP) was in attendance to provide an update to members of Council and Administration on FAP’s activities and network changes.


Mayor Katchur thanked Ms. Blaney for her presentation.



4.2   Life in the Heartland Update



Ms. Vanessa Goodman, Chair, Life in the Heartland was in attendance to provide an update to members of Council and Administration on Life in the Heartland and its recent resident survey.


Mayor Katchur thanked Ms. Goodman for her presentation.



5.   Unfinished Business






Mayor Katchur called a short recess at 6:58 p.m.


The regular Council Meeting reconvened at 7:04 p.m.



6.   New Business



6.1   Local Transit Pilot Project - Final Report

Presented by:  Ian Gray, Director, Infrastructure Management and Sasha Pejcic, WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff, Consultants.



Council and Administration were provided an update on the analysis of the Local Transit Pilot Project and to provide local transit services options for Council’s consideration during the 2016 Budget process.



Councillor Bossert vacated the Council Chambers at 7:48 p.m.


Councillor Bossert re-entered the Council Chambers at 7:49 p.m.




7.   Bylaws






8.   Notice of Motion






9.   Adjournment



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that the regular Council Meeting of October 27, 2015 adjourn at 8:31 p.m.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling













                                                                                                            Director, Legislative Services