Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - 6:00 PM

Council Chambers – City Hall




Members of Council:

Mayor Gale Katchur

Councillor Birgit Blizzard

Councillor Sheldon Bossert

Councillor Frank Garritsen

Councillor Stew Hennig

Councillor Arjun Randhawa

Councillor Ed Sperling



Kelly Kloss, City Manager

Troy Fleming, General Manager, Infrastructure & Community Services

Brenda Rauckman, General Manager, Corporate & Protective Services

Brenda Molter, Director, Legislative Services

Wendy Kinsella, Director, Communications and Marketing

Josie Krokis, Director, Protective Services

Janel Duguid-Smith, Director, Planning & Development

Grant Schaffer, Director, Project Management

Reade Beaudoin, Digital Media Coordinator

Sheryl Exley, Recording Secretary




1.   Call to Order



Mayor Katchur called the regular Council Meeting of May 12, 2015 to order at 6:00 p.m.



2.   Approval of Minutes



MOVED BY Councillor Blizzard that the minutes of the April 28, 2015 regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





3.   Delegations







4.   Public Hearing



4.1   Bylaw C13-15 - Amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 - Redistrict a Portion of SE 1/4 Section 19-54-22 W4 from UR - Urban Reserve District to RC - Comprehensively Planned Residential District - Southfort Meadows Stage 5

        Presented by:  Janel Smith-Duguid, Director, Planning & Development; and Andrew Usenik, Strata Development Corp.

Applicant/Owner:  WSP Canada Inc. on behalf of Southfort Development Corp.



Mayor Katchur opened the Public Hearing at 6:04 p.m.


A Public Hearing was held to hear any submissions for or against Bylaw C13-15.  Bylaw C13-15 received first reading at the April 28, 2015 regular Council Meeting.


Mayor Katchur asked if anyone wished to speak in favour or against Bylaw C13-15.


The following individuals were in attendance to speak against Bylaw C13-15:

- Jennifer Polischuk, resident

- Lyse Kempf, resident

- Justina Gibson, resident

- Chantel Werner, resident

- Pamela McGrath, resident

- Stewart Holder, resident

- Ryan Melo, resident

- Andrew Dutton, resident

- Darren Holder, resident


The following individual was in attendance to speak in favour of Bylaw C13-15:

- Andrew Usenik, Strata Development Corp.


There were no further submissions.


Mayor Katchur closed the Public Hearing at 7:21 p.m.



Mayor Katchur called a short recess at 7:21 p.m.


The regular Council Meeting reconvened at 7:28 p.m.




5.   Business Arising from Public Hearing



5.1   Bylaw C13-15 - Amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 - Redistrict a Portion of SE 1/4 Section 19-54-22 W4 from UR - Urban Reserve District to RC - Comprehensively Planned Residential District - Southfort Meadows Stage 5 - 2nd & 3rd reading

        Presented by:  Janel Smith-Duguid, Director, Planning & Development

        Applicant/Owner:  WSP Canada Inc. on behalf of Southfort Development Corp.



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that Council give second reading to Bylaw C13-15 to amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 by redistricting a portion of SE ¼ Section of 19-54-22-W4M from UR - Urban Reserve District to RC – Comprehensively Planned Residential District.  




In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Birgit Blizzard


Against:            Arjun Randhawa, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that Council give third reading to Bylaw C13-15 to amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 by redistricting a portion of SE ¼ Section of 19-54-22-W4M from UR - Urban Reserve District to RC – Comprehensively Planned Residential District.  



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Birgit Blizzard


Against:            Arjun Randhawa, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





6.   Unfinished Business



6.1   Bylaw C16-15 - Amend Traffic Bylaw C4-09 to Prohibit the Use of Alternating Flashing Lights and Stop Arm on School Buses - 3rd reading

        Presented by:  Josie Krokis, Director, Protective Services



MOVED BY Councillor Garritsen that Council give third reading to Bylaw C16-15, which amends Traffic Bylaw C4-09 by prohibiting the use of alternating flashing lights on school buses.  



In Favour:        Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa, Sheldon Bossert,

                        Ed Sperling


Against:            Gale Katchur, Birgit Blizzard





7.   New Business



7.1   Conversion of the Pointe Aux Pins Road to a Multi-Use Trail

        Presented by:  Grant Schaffer, Director, Project Management



MOVED BY Councillor Garritsen that Council approve cost sharing up to $300,000.00 towards the conversion of the Pointe Aux Pins road to a multi-use trail with $210,860.45 to be funded from the Westpark Estate Community Enhancement Reserve and $89,139.55 to be funded from the Parks Reserve.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard


Against:            Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





8.   Bylaws



8.1   Bylaw C15-15 - Amend Policing Committee Bylaw C9-09 - Extend Term of Office- 3 readings

        Presented by:  Josie Krokis, Director, Protective Services



MOVED BY Councillor Sperling that Council give first reading to Bylaw C15-15, which amends Policing Committee Bylaw C9-09 to extend the term of office for Committee members to a maximum of 10 consecutive years.  



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





MOVED BY Councillor Sperling that Council give second reading to Bylaw C15-15, which amends Policing Committee Bylaw C9-09 to extend the term of office for Committee members to a maximum of 10 consecutive years.  



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





MOVED BY Councillor Sperling that Council provide unanimous consent to proceed with third and final reading to Bylaw C15-15, which amends Policing Committee Bylaw C9-09 to extend the term of office for Committee members to a maximum of 10 consecutive years.  



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





MOVED BY Councillor Sperling that Council give third reading to Bylaw C15-15, which amends Policing Committee Bylaw C9-09 to extend the term of office for Committee members to a maximum of 10 consecutive years.  



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





9.   Mayor and Councillors Boards/Committees



Members of Council provided updates on current and upcoming activities for Boards/Committees.




10.   Administrative Inquiries



Members of Council were given the opportunity to ask questions and provide concerns and comments to Administration.



11.   Notice of Motion



12.   Adjournment



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that the regular Council Meeting of May 12, 2015 adjourn at 8:18 p.m.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling















                                                                                                            Director, Legislative Services