Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 6:00 PM

Council Chambers – City Hall




Members of Council:

Mayor Gale Katchur

Councillor Birgit Blizzard

Councillor Sheldon Bossert

Councillor Frank Garritsen

Councillor Stew Hennig

Councillor Arjun Randhawa

Councillor Ed Sperling



Kelly Kloss, City Manager

Troy Fleming, General Manager, Infrastructure & Community Services

Brenda Rauckman, General Manager, Corporate & Protective Services

Brenda Molter, Director, Legislative Services

Wendy Kinsella, Director, Corporate Communications

Matthew Siddons, Current Planner

Sheryl Exley, Recording Secretary




1.   Call to Order



Mayor Katchur called the regular Council Meeting of February 23, 2016 to order at 6:00 p.m.



Amend Agenda



MOVED BY Councillor Garritsen that item 4.1 – “River Valley Alliance Update” be removed from the February 23, 2016 Council agenda.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





2.   Approval of Minutes of February 9, 2016 Regular Council Meeting



MOVED BY Councillor Bossert that the minutes of the February 9, 2016 regular Council Meeting be adopted as presented.




In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





3.   Delegations



Mr. Ken French was in attendance to speak in regard to the multi-family front-load waste collection rate assessment and advised that the condominium associations he is representing are in support of a two-tier waste collection system.



4.   Unfinished Business



4.1   Multi-family Front-Load Waste Collection Rate Assessment

Presented by:  Troy Fleming, General Manager, Infrastructure & Community Services



At the January 12, 2016 regular Council Meeting, Council was presented with three options to address a request from condominium representatives on the perceived in-equities in waste rates.  Following discussion, Council Resolution #R3-16 was introduced:  “MOVED BY Councillor Garritsen that Council support the solid waste rates previously approved in the 2015 Fees and Charges Bylaw.”


Prior to voting on the motion, the following referral motion was passed:  “MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that Council refer this item to Administration for additional costs and options to determine what philosophy will be used, and that it be presented on or before the March 8, 2016 regular Council Meeting.”



Council Resolution #R3-16 as introduced by Councillor Garritsen was voted on, and





In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Birgit Blizzard,

                        Sheldon Bossert


Against:            Arjun Randhawa, Ed Sperling



MOVED BY Councillor Hennig that Council agrees to adopt as policy a “two customer class” residential waste fee structure as established in the Fees and Charges Bylaw.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa, Birgit Blizzard,

                        Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling


Against:            Frank Garritsen






5.   Public Hearing



5.1  Bylaw C3-16 – Amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 – Redistrict a Portion of Lot 1, Block 8, Plan 0324058, a Portion of Lot 2, Block 8, Plan 0324059, Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0820100, and a Portion of SW ¼ 2-55-22 W4M from IR - Industrial Reserve District to IL - Light Industrial District – Fort Industrial Estates – Stage 3

       Presented by:  Matthew Siddons, Current Planner



Mayor Katchur opened the Public Hearing at 6:18 p.m.


A Public Hearing was held to hear any submissions for or against Bylaw C3-16.  Bylaw C3-16 received first reading at the February 9, 2016 regular Council Meeting.


Mayor Katchur asked if anyone wished to speak in favour or against Bylaw C3-16.


Mr. Bob Horton, TAG Developments was in attendance to speak in favour of Bylaw C3-16.


There were no further submissions.


Mayor Katchur closed the Public Hearing at 6:28 p.m.



6.   Business Arising from Public Hearing



6.1  Bylaw C3-16 – Amend Land Use Bylaw C10-13 – Redistrict a Portion of Lot 1, Block 8, Plan 0324058, a Portion of Lot 2, Block 8, Plan 0324059, Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0820100, and a Portion of SW ¼ 2-55-22 W4M from IR - Industrial Reserve District to IL - Light Industrial District – Fort Industrial Estates – Stage 3 – 2nd & 3rd Reading

       Presented by:  Matthew Siddons, Current Planner



MOVED BY Councillor Bossert that second and third reading of Bylaw C3-16 be referred to the March 22, 2016 regular Council Meeting pending additional information from Administration regarding concerns expressed in Dow Chemical Canada's letter dated February 19, 2016.



In Favour:        Gale Katchur, Frank Garritsen, Stew Hennig, Arjun Randhawa,

                        Birgit Blizzard, Sheldon Bossert, Ed Sperling





7.   New Business






8.   Bylaws







9.   Notice of Motion



Councillor Blizzard gave notice that she will introduce the following motion at the March 8, 2016 regular Council meeting: 


“That Administration be directed to research and provide Council with information for leasing the land at 9901 - 90 Street (Lot 7, Plan 932 3415) in Fort Saskatchewan to the Food Gatherers Society by the end of June 2016.”



10.   Points of Interest



Members of Council were given the opportunity to bring forward information that would be of interest to the public.



11.   Councillor Inquiries



Members of Council were given the opportunity to ask questions and provide concerns and comments.



12.   Adjournment



The regular Council Meeting of February 23, 2016 adjourned at 6:32 p.m.













                                                                                                            Director, Legislative Services


No Item Selected